New Summer Smash Extra Credit pages.
I have two Summer Smash pages for those of you working on them for extra credit. We still have plenty of summer left, and I hope you will enjoy doing the next two pages. Summer Smash #2 Summer Smash #3
I have two Summer Smash pages for those of you working on them for extra credit. We still have plenty of summer left, and I hope you will enjoy doing the next two pages. Summer Smash #2 Summer Smash #3
Hello Students! I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation! We had a great time in Summer Drama and Digital Storytelling in Summer Enrichment last week. We completed wonderful, original plays and stories. I thought in the next few posts that I will share some of the activities we completed. I had promised to share
I’ve collected all of the Smash writing pages completed in our first two collections of writing. This is a quick, fun method to write with imagination. Even students who don’t enjoy writing seem to be able to complete these homework assignments. Collection I 1 Smash 2 Smash 3 Smash 4 SMASH 4_b Smash 5 Smash 6 Smash